Fayetteville, south of Raleigh, has played host to many important visitors like Babe Ruth, who hit his first professional home run here. But its influx of new residents is at Fort Bragg Military Reservation on its western border. Opportunities to see military activities up-close and outings on Cape Fear River make for interesting days in Fayetteville.
Fort Bragg and Pope Air Force Base make up one of the world's largest military installations. There are plenty of options to see all things military here including the 82nd Airborne Division War Memorial Museum, the JFK Hall of Heroes and military chapels. Visitors can view airborne jumps, artillery range activities and a UH-60 Blackhawk simulator. Recreation activities include three base golf courses and a public ice skating rink.
Explore the Cape Fear Botanical Garden or drop by the Museum of the Cape Fear Historical Complex, the state's oldest history museum. Other activities include Fascinate-U Children's Museum, Fayetteville Museum of Art and Jambbas Ranch, to see animals in their native habitat.
Outdoor activities include fishing on Cape Fear River, hiking and camping at Clark Park Nature Center and horseback riding at Fort Bragg Stables. There are plenty of chain accommodations here and restaurants range from fast food to Cross Creek Brewing Company, for private-label beer and knockwurst.
Fayetteville is located in the south central part of the state off I-95, roughly one hour south of Raleigh.